02 April, 2014

The Art of Doing Remarkable Things

31 October, 2011


Okay, so much has happened, and I've got several blogs to write in order to get it all in. But for now, I'm skipping all of that and sharing something with you. This isn't just for artists, by the way--it's for everyone.

I have a few gurus in my life.

~Bonnie Gillespie.  

I've posted and shared many of her columns from The Actor's Voice. I finally got to meet her in person when I started her 5-week class, Self-Management for Actors. (It's a life-and-career-changing experience, and the timing was perfect. The first class started 3 days after I moved  to LA! If you're not in LA, you can now take the class, too. She's taking it on tour in 2012, so make sure you keep up to date, to see if she's in a city near you. But not only that, you can Get A-listed, no matter where you live! There's nothing like this out there anywhere and believe me when I tell you that if you want to skip all the BS and time-and-money wasters: YOU. NEED. TO. ENROLL. You want to work and have an actual acting career? Take this course. You want to *look* like you're working on a career and never get anywhere? Do what everyone else in this business does. I promise you will not regret signing up...and you'll save yourself years of frustration.)

Ha-ha--maybe I should do PR for her! Well, I *am* still looking for a job... ;)  (Don't worry, Bon, I won't hit you up with that one...yet!)

By the way, her columns are great for non-actors, too, especially if you want to understand more of the business and what we go through. But if you don't want to go through her many, many columns just to find the ones that would be good for you to read, I suggest at least reading these:

~Mark McGuinness

--love him. Check him out at Wishful Thinking and Lateral Action. (Sign up for his free 26-week course The Creative Pathfinder. He has a lot of free ebooks, as well as his blog, but one of my faves is "Time Management for Creative People.")

~Steven Pressfield. 

The War of Art.  Do the Work.  'nuff said.

Mark and Steven have gotten together a couple of times for "conversations," and you can hear/read them here:




If you can't listen to the MP3 now, download it for later--it's definitely worth it. It's about an hour long--there's supposed to be a transcript of it, but I can't find it. :p I've left a comment, though, so Mark will probably get back to me within a couple days.

Thought you guys might like to listen, too. :) Steven talks very candidly about certain times of his life before realizing what Resistance did to him--and does to all of us.

The things I like about all three of my gurus is that they're wonderful--fabulous!--for us Creative Weenie Types, as my dad calls us. :D  But they also help those *not* in a creative business or frame of mind. Even Bonnie's columns, I've often found, could be translated into other businesses/parts of  life.

It just seems that we CWTs need a bit more help in pushing through Resistance (or realizing that we're a BUSINESS and not just an ART) than others might.


christa. :)

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